, pub-6255501914033923, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World crochet: My works 86
Dear visitors,
My name is Zekira Djonko
This site is intended for those who loving devoted to manual labor, especially knitting and crocheting. This is a relatively inexpensive hobby. For fun just to get a needle and thread, and you can spend hours and hours of relaxing, doing manual work, and thereby beautify your home or yourself. Almost every day we will publish some of the scheme or motive or done some of the points that governs you in your work.
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subota, 16. siječnja 2016.

My works 86

Flower motif

This little motivation I crocheted cotton thread crochet "Tango".

I used a needle no. 3

Size motive is 6 cm.

This motif can do in less than an hour.

4 komentara:

  1. Hi Zekira I just lost my comment :( I wanted to tell you that I enjoy your work, you are very talented.
    I can wait to see the pattern of this pretty flower :)

  2. Oi amiga manda o gráfico p/ mim fico agradeçida Abraço
